Ernst Tradiniks Buch zur inklusiven Mediengestaltung

Ernst Tradinik stellte sein Buch „Inklusive Medienarbeit“ vor, das praxisnah barrierefreie Mediengestaltung beleuchtet. Auch das Thema Gebärdensprache kommt darin vor. Zufällig war Gebä beim Event auch und ich von Deafies in Wonderland dabei, der den Austausch schätzte. Lukas Huber, Generalsekretär der ÖGLB (Österreichischer Gehörlosenbund) gibt einblicke und Perspektiven zur Barrierefreiheit in der österreichischen Medienlandschaft. Tradiniks Werk zeigt, wie Inklusion im Medienbereich umgesetzt werden kann.

Ernst Tradinik presented his book, Inclusive Media Work, which offers practical insights into accessible media design, including a focus on sign language. Coincidentally, Gebä was also present at the event, along with me, representing Deafies in Wonderland, where I truly appreciated the opportunity for meaningful exchange. Lukas Huber, Secretary General of the Austrian Association of the Deaf (ÖGLB), shared valuable perspectives on accessibility within Austria’s media landscape. Tradinik’s work highlights how inclusion can be effectively implemented in the media sector.

I’m still overwhelmed by the incredible opportunity to attend the launch of Ernst Tradinik’s Inclusive Media Work. This book is a milestone in accessible media design and a true asset for anyone passionate about inclusion. It was an immense honor to present our visual podcast, Deafies in Wonderland, as part of this inspiring event.

I’m particularly proud that we successfully completed the first season of our podcast. This project has shown us how important it is to share stories from the world of Austrian Sign Language, fostering connections between diverse communities.

A personal highlight of the evening was the interview with Gebä That moment made my heart soar—not just because we had the chance to showcase our work, but also because it reinforced how valuable inclusive media truly is. 

A huge thank-you goes to Ernst Tradinik. His support and the invitation to be part of this event have inspired and enriched us. His book powerfully demonstrates how barriers in media can be broken down, offering us fresh perspectives for the future.

But this is just the beginning! In October 2025, we’ll be kicking off the second season of Deafies in Wonderland with renewed energy, and we can’t wait to welcome you back into our world. And starting January 2025, we’ve got exciting new developments in store—stay tuned!

I’d like to take this moment to thank everyone who has supported us along the way. Your encouragement gives us the strength to keep going and to reach new milestones.


Buch: Inklusive Medienarbeit Menschen mit Behinderung in Journalismus, Radio, Moderation und Film
Herausgeber: Ernst Tradinik
Verlag: Herbert von Halem Verlag, 432 Seiten

Gebärdenwelt.Tv: Beitrag von 22. Dezember 2024
Gehörlose Gäste bei Buchpräsentation „Inklusive Medienarbeit

Austrian’s First visuell podcast: Deafies in Wonderland